June 19, 2009

Mind Over Matter

I'm simply gonna post this video, and tell me what you think the future might look like in just 5 years:

(original source)

1 comment:

  1. Cool! It reminded me of the book Matilda when she elevated objects with her brain power. It would be interesting to see how long you could concentrate on one thought. -Cami

    While an interesting clip, there is a difference between a machine that reads the amount of electrical activity in the brain and turns it to power, and a machine that can actually read your thoughts and follow commands. I do think this sort of EEG utilizing technology could have wide applications, but they would be limited. One possibility is using different levels of brain activity to symbolize different commmands. For example, if one learned by training (using a feedback EEG) how to concentrate to a certain level in order to turn right or left, up or down in a jet, one could possibly use different quantification of brain activity to control the jet. However, this would be FAR from a machine that was able to read your thoughts and turn right when you think about turning right. Still, its a little crazy and this might be an interesting exercise in controllin ones concentration and thoughts. Anyway, cool clip Steve!
