Apparently the US agrees, and so it tried to "set the narrative straight" when DemocracyNow!'s story contradicted.
It's a short clip that I just wish to share for a couple of blunt reasons. First, DemocracyNow! is not a parrot for government spokespersons. Second, the government often DOES try to sell its people a story that is not true. Or they hide the facts. It's about keeping their reputation untarnished, not about revealing Truth. The question is, what will you choose to believe? Does Truth matter to you? It matters to me, because Truth is reality. It seems like we should each be taking advantage of our "freedom to learn" by learning about our country, government, and policies which affect us and many others less fortunate. I believe that the founding fathers saw information as the currency of democracy. Thus freedom of the press was a right granted from the start. Today there is a long list of important issues, for example:
- Torture & Indefinite imprisonment
- Domestic spying & Warrant-less wiretapping
- Racial profiling
- 9/11 lies and misinformation
- Wars of aggression and false flag attacks
- Military coups & Puppet governments
- Debt/financial crisis
- Energy crisis
- Food crisis
- Water crisis
- Education crisis
We, the people, are supposed to decide how our governments conduct their business. As we do so, "Love thy neighbour as thyself" is a principle that needs to be practiced a lot more often in this terror-spooked world we live in. I have optimism that one day a righteous leader will take the reigns and guide us into peace, prosperity and happiness. When that day finally happens, I intend to follow Him. Meanwhile, I will continue to fumble my way through life, trying to make a difference for Good on this Earth.
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