April 21, 2010

WTC Building 7 Demolition on 9/11

I am still amazed when I talk to most people about 9/11 and they have not even heard about the THIRD building that collapsed that day -- but wasn't hit by a plane. WTC Building 7 collapsed at the acceleration of gravity, which scientifically means that all of the building's massive support columns had to be physically removed in order the avoid turning its potential (gravitational) energy into kinetic (motion) energy; without this column removal, Building 7 would have fallen much slower and asymmetrically as it converted some of its energy into "crushing" its own support columns on the way down. Instead, we see free-fall acceleration and complete symmetry.

So, how were Building 7's support columns removed???? And where did the molten metal found underneath it come from????

We must find the answers to these and many other questions around 9/11. It's important to our country and the rest of the world.

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